Graduate Advisor

Seth Arnopole

Graduate Student Services Advisor

Graduate Admissions email:

Campus Business email:

On campus Monday, Wednesday, Thursday; Remote Tuesday, Friday (available via email, chat, and Zoom)

Graduate Program administration: Graduate admission information and processing, Graduate Student Instructor/Teaching Assistant hiring, fellowships, student guidance, academic progress,...

Eric Naiman

Professor, Graduate Advisor

19th and 20th Century Russian Literature. Nabokov. Dostoevsky and Modernism. Law and Literature. Early Soviet Culture. Literature and Ideology. The Body in Russian Culture. Graduate seminars have included: The Gothic Novel; The Master and Margarita; Andrei Platonov; Early Dostoevsky; Mikhail Bakhtin; Poetic Justice: Dostoevsky and Nabokov in the Shadow of the Law.


Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Slavic Languages & Literatures)

J.D. Yale Law School

Selected publications:


Nabokov, Perversely (Cornell...