B.A. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, double major in Russian and Philosophy, 2009
M.A. University of Oregon, Comparative Literature, 2017
Entered Berkeley program in 2017
Paper submitted with application to Berkeley: “On the Physiognomy of History: Blok, Benjamin, Film”
Languages known and studied: Russian, German, Spanish, BCS
Conference participation: “Speculative Aesthetics, Speculative Politics” presented at New Materialisms and Economies of Excess, Emory University, September 29-October 1, 2016
“Blok, Benjamin and Messianic Modernism” presented at the Biennial Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies Graduate Symposium, University of Oregon, May 1, 2015
Study/Work Abroad: The Derzhavin Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, Summer 2016
literature and culture of the early Soviet period, intersections of literature and visual media, critical theory, Marxism, philosophies of materialism, aesthetics