Zachary Hicks


B.A. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, double major in Russian and Philosophy, 2009
M.A. University of Oregon, Comparative Literature, 2017
Entered Berkeley program in 2017

Paper submitted with application to Berkeley: “On the Physiognomy of History: Blok, Benjamin, Film”

Languages known and studied: Russian, German, Spanish, BCS

Conference participation: “Speculative Aesthetics, Speculative Politics” presented at New Materialisms and Economies of Excess, Emory University, September 29-October 1, 2016

“Blok, Benjamin and Messianic Modernism” presented at the Biennial Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies Graduate Symposium, University of Oregon, May 1, 2015

Study/Work Abroad: The Derzhavin Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, Summer 2016

Research interests: 

literature and culture of the early Soviet period, intersections of literature and visual media, critical theory, Marxism, philosophies of materialism, aesthetics