Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language, Reading and Composition.
Ph.D. University of Chicago (Slavic Languages & Literatures)
B.A. University of Chicago (Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities)
Selected publications:
“ ‘Read and Remember’: Ozren Kebo’s Sarajevo for Beginners as Ironic Guidebook and Narrative Memorial.” In Post-Yugoslav Constellations. Ed. Stijn Vervaet and Vlad Beronja (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016).
“My Son I Will Give – My Myth I Will Not: Lineage and Legendary Identity in Donchev’s Time of Parting.” Balkanistica 22 (2009), 167-180.
Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav literatures and cultures.
Representations of trauma.
Cultural memory and cultures of memory (commemorative rituals, memorialization, museumification).
Balkan film and visual culture.
Ottoman and Habsburg imperial legacies, moods, and tropes in contemporary cultural production.
Travel narratives, symbolic geographies, spatial imaginaries and identities.
Migration and displacement in literature and film.
Book and film cultures, festivals, and publics in the Balkans.
Translation (theory and praxis).
Current projects:
Trauma’s Frames: Memory and Counter-Memory in the Social Sphere After Bosnia’s War (book project)
“Captured: The Aesthetics, Politics, and Ethics of Photographic Witness During the Wars of Yugoslav Succession” (article project)
“Yugoslav Authorship After Yugoslavia: Traces of Danilo Kiš in the Works of Aleksandar Hemon, Faruk Šehić, and Karim Zaimović” (article project).
Rock and Roll to Fluency: BCS Through Song (intermediate language textbook).
BCS-English translations of: Muharem Bazdulj’s Sowing Salt, Damir Ovčina’s When I was a Hodža, select stories from Karim Zaimović’s Secret of Raspberry Jam