Spring 2017

Please note that, as of Fall 2015, all of our language courses have been renamed. For example, Elementary Russian was changed from Slavic 1 to Russian 1, Beginning Armenian changed from Eurasian Studies 1A/B to Armenian 1A/B. See these changes on the complete list of courses here on the Department website.  On the Online Schedule of Courses (schedule.berkeley.edu), search through the Department Name dropdown menu and look for the specific language, e.g. Armenian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian. If you use Schedule Builder, look for individual languages under “Browse by Department.”  Other department courses are still under Slavic Languages and Literature.


Armenian 1B: Introductory Armenian
Hasmig Seropian | TuTh 11-12:30 | 262 Dwinelle | 3 units

Armenian 101B: Continuing Armenian
Hasmig Seropian | TuTh 12:30-2 | 134 Dwinelle | 3 units

Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 27B: Introductory Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
Antje Postema | MWF 11-12 | 6115 Dwinelle | 4 units

Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 117B: Advanced Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
Djurica Gordic | MWF 12-1 | Location TBA | 4 units

Czech 26B: Introductory Czech
Ellen Langer | MWF 9-10 | 6307 Dwinelle | 4 units

Czech 163: Advanced Reading Tutorials in Czech
Ellen Langer | Th 8-10pm | 6104 Dwinelle | 3 units

Hungarian 1B: Introductory Hungarian
Eva Szoke | TuTh 11-12:30 | 6115 Dwinelle | 3 or 4 units

Hungarian 100: Hungarian Readings
Eva Szoke | TuTh 1-2 | 6115 Dwinelle | 2 units

Polish 25B: Introductory Polish
Katarzyna Zacha | MWF 12-1 | 6115 Dwinelle | 4 units

Polish 115B: Continuing Polish
Katarzyna Zacha | MWF 10-11| 6115 Dwinelle |4 units

Russian 1: Introductory Russian
Megan Barickman | M-F 11-12 | 255 Dwinelle  | 5 units
Semyon Leonenko | M-F 11-12 | 6307 Dwinelle | 5 units

Russian 2: Elementary Russian
Brian Egdorf | M-F 11-12 | 258 Dwinelle | 5 units

Russian 3: Intermediate Russian
Kathryn Pribble | M-F 11-12 | 259 Dwinelle | 5 units

Russian 4: Intermediate Russian
Dominick Lawton | M-F 11-12 | 283 Dwinelle| 5 units

Russian 103B: Advanced Russian Part II
Anna Muza | TuTh 11-12:30 | 104 Dwinelle Hall  | 4 units

Russian 120B: Advanced Russian Conversation and Communication
Lisa Little | MWF 1-2 | 104 Dwinelle | 2 or 3 units

Reading and Composition

Courses on Literature, Linguistics, and Culture

Slavic 134E: Chekhov

TuTh 2-3:30, 243 Dwinelle. Instructor: Anna Muza.

Units: 4 Satisfies L&S Arts & Literature breadth requirement.

Slavic 134C: Dostoevsky

TuTH 5-6:30, 240 Mulford. Instructor: Irina Paperno.

Units: 4 Satisfies L&S Philosopy & Values OR Arts & Literature breadth requirement.
