Johanna Nichols

Job title: 
Distinguished Professor Emerita of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Affiliate Professor Emerita of Linguistics

I am a historical typologist specializing in the languages of the western steppe periphery, especially Slavic and Nakh-Daghestanian (central Caucasus).  My work also deals with large-scale Eurasian and worldwide linguistic distributions and chronologically with the whole Quaternary.  I have an ongoing documentation program on Ingush and Chechen (Nakh-Daghestanian), have published dictionaries of both languages and a comprehensive grammar of Ingush, and am expanding and annotating very large spoken corpora of both languages.  Together with Balthasar Bickel (University of Zurich) I co-developed and co-manage the Autotyp network of large typology databases.

See my CV, publications, and downloadables at


Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Linguistics).

Professor Nichols has retired but remains actively involved in teaching and mentoring graduate students.


Distinguished Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Slavic linguistics (emeritus)

Affiliate Professor, Department of Lingustics, UC Berkeley  (emeritus)

Helsinki University Humanities Visiting Professor, 2017-2019

Research Supervisor, Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, Higher School of Education, Moscow, 2017-2019



Thera Marie Crane; Johanna Nichols; Bastian Persohn
Research Article, 2021
Johanna Nichols
Book, 2011
Johanna Nichols; Arbi Vagapov; Ronald L. Sprouse
Book, 2004
Johanna Nichols; Ronald L. Sprouse
Book, 2004
Johanna Nichols; Vjaceslav V. Ivanov; Tamaz V. Gamkrelidze
Translated text, 1994
Johanna Nichols
Book, 1992
Johanna Nichols; Anthony C. Woodbury
Edited Volume, 1985