Alan Timberlake

Job title: 
Professor Emeritus

Affiliated with Department of Lingistics

Since his retirement in 2008, Professor Timberlake has been teaching at Columbia University. He continues to advise graduate students who began working under his supervision.


Ph.D. Harvard University (Linguistics)


Synchronic and historical Slavic and Russian linguistics; Slavic culture; Czech literature

Selected publications:


Russian Reference Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004


“Hierarchies in the Genitive of Negation.” Slavic and East European Journal 19 (1975).

“Isochrony in Late Common Slavic,” Robert A. Maquire and Alan Timberlake [eds.] American Contributions to the Eleventh International Congress of Slavists. Bratislava, August-September 1993. Literature. Linguistics. Poetics. Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1993.

“Russian,” Bernard Comrie and Greville Corbett [eds.], The Slavonic Languages, London-New York: Routledge, 1993.

“Avvakum’s Aorists,” Russian Linguistics, 19, 1995.

“Older and Younger Recensions of the First Novgorod Chronicle,” Oxford Slavonic Papers, 33:135, 2000.

Research interests: 

Descriptive grammar of Russian; chronicles.
