Slavic 25A: Introductory Polish
M-F 12-1, 106 Dwinelle. Instructor: Katarzyna Zacha.
Units: 5
Slavic 25A is meant for beginners with little or no previous knowledge of the Polish language. The course is designed to provide the basic knowledge necessary for active verbal and written communication in Polish. At the same time, students receive an introduction to Polish culture through film, music, and short readings in Polish. The course is taught in Polish with explanations in English as needed The material will be adjusted in accordance with students’ individual needs, goals, and interests.
The final grade will be based on attendance, participation, homework assignments, quizzes, a midterm exam and a final.
The introductory Fall Semester Slavic 25A course is followed by the Spring Semester 25B course.
Texts: Specific information on textbooks will be added later.
Prerequisites: None for 25A; 25B presumes a knowledge of 25A or equivalent.