Slavic 105A: Advanced Russian-English / English-Russian Translation
MWF 11-12, 205 Wheeler. Instructor: Arkady Alexeev.
Units: 3
A practical study of the grammatical, lexical, stylistic difficulties and challenges peculiar to the English-Russian and Russian-English translation. The course will be based on a close analysis and written translation of a broad range of authentic English and Russian materials, such as publications in the press, literary and non-fictional texts, and popular speech genres.. The emphasis will be on idiomatic patterns of speech and expression, and cross-cultural communication.
The course is intended for students with an advanced knowledge of Russian, including heritage speakers.
This course will be offered as a non-variable unit course for 3 units.
Workload: There will be weekly written assignments and a final project.
Texts: all materials supplied in class.
Prerequisites: Slavic 1, 2, 3 and 4 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.