Polish 25B: Introductory Polish
Katarzyna Zacha | MWF 9-10 | 6115 Dwinelle | 4.00 Units
The 25A-25B course sequence begins in the Fall term only.
The introductory fall 25A course, followed by the spring 25B course, introduces the modern standard Polish language, and is taught in Polish with explanations in English as needed. 25A is meant for beginners with little or no previous knowledge of the Polish language. The course is designed to provide the basic knowledge necessary for active verbal and written communication in Polish and will contain the following major components: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, speaking, reading, writing, and short translation exercises.
The final grade will be based on attendance, participation, completion of homework assignments, weekly quizzes, a midterm exam and a comprehensive final.
Polski, Krok Po Kroku: Level 1 (A1/A2): Coursebook for Learning Polish as a Foreign Language (Polish Edition) Authors: Iwona Stempek, Anna Stelmach, Aneta Szymkiewicz, Sylwia Dawidek ISBN-10: 8393073103
Prerequisites: Polish 25A or equivalent.