Armenian 1B: Introductory Armenian
Myrna Douzjian | TuTh 6:30 PM-8:00 PM | DWINELLE 235
Armenian 1B is the continuation of Armenian 1A.
This course is for students who are familiar with the Armenian alphabet and can read and write basic sentences in Armenian. The two literary standards of modern Armenian, Eastern and Western, are taught through parallel lessons. Students gain an understanding of the commonalities and differences between the two standards, while choosing the one they wish to study. Emphasis is placed on the basics of modern Armenian grammar, as well as the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course also gives students the opportunity to explore Armenian cultural material online.
Requirements: class participation; five quizzes; weekly homework assignments; journal writing; presentation; and take-home final exam.
Texts: Practical Textbook of Western Armenian by Haroutiun Kurkjian (any edition). Available online at and Amazon, ASIN: B003IGI1P4.
Prerequisite: Armenian 1A or consent of instructor.