Slavic 171: Readings in Yugoslav Literature
MWF 10-11, 108 Wheeler. Instructor: Ronelle Alexander.
Units: 4 Satisfies L&S Arts & Literature breadth requirement.
Readings of works by major Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian authors, especially those which are not available in English translation.
Prerequisite: reading and speaking knowledge of Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian (completion of Slavic 117B or consent of the instructor). Class to be conducted in BCS. Requirements: attendance, reading, participation in discussion, several short essays, and a class presentations combined with a longer essay in lieu of a final exam. The essays are to be written in either BCS or English, depending on consultation with the instructor.
Readings will be chosen partly in accordance with student interests; all readings will be posted electronically. Depending on enrollment and the compatibility of student schedules, Slavic 171 may be re-scheduled in seminar (one 3-hour meeting a week) format.