Slavic 134E: Chekhov

TuTh 2-3:30, 243 Dwinelle. Instructor: Anna Muza.

Units: 4 Satisfies L&S Arts & Literature breadth requirement.

The course is devoted to Anton Chekhov’s narrative fiction and dramatic art, and the inner connection between his two major modes of writing.  We read closely his short stories and plays, and situate Chekhov’s work both in its contemporary cultural context and in a larger historical continuum.  We discuss Chekhov’s collaboration with the Moscow Art Theater, Konstantin Stanislavsky, and other leading artists of the day. We also trace the evolution of the concept and cultural myth of the ‘Chekhovian,’ and discuss the lasting impact of Chekhov’s art and artistic persona on modern imagination.

A typical reading assignment is 15-20 pages for class. Readings are short but make up the students’ primary responsibility. Reading quizzes check the students’ textual knowledge.

The course includes classroom screenings and discussions, a mid-term examination, and a course paper.

Portable Chekhov. by Anton Chekhov (Author), Avrahm Yarmolinsky (Editor), Portable Library, 1977, ISBN-10: 014 015 035 8

The Plays of Anton Chekhov. Translated by Paul Schmidt. Harper Perennial, 1998, ISBN–10: 0060928751

A Course Reader.

Prerequisites:  None.  Readings in English.